Just like your car, your business needs regularly scheduled maintenance. With spring coming early this year, this transition for my vehicle was natural. It was triggered by the weather. What are the maintenance triggers for your business?
Here in the Sea to Sky, February was dominated with Olympic fever. The event took over our lives and we celebrated along with the rest of the country and the world. So, all of a sudden it's March and I'm realizing that I haven't accomplished all my goals for Q1 and Q2 is right around the corner. Just like the weather triggers my car maintenance, March 1 has me thinking about my business. Here are a few of the questions I'm asking:
1. What were my Q1 goals?
2. Am I on track to accomplish them?
3. What has been going well and what hasn't?
4. How can I build on the strong and improve the weak areas?
5. How has Q1 impacted my progress on my annual goals?
6. What do I need to accomplish in Q2?
7. How am I going to do that?
Ideally, I will set aside time to work through the above questions and document my plan moving forward... But, I'm feeling time crunched so can't I just think about it? While thinking about it will help move me in the right direction, I have a much better chance of actually achieving my goals if I write them out. This is proven - and not just by me! So, I will walk the walk and set aside a few hours to devote to my business. I am going to Spring Forward!