I often council my clients to seek out opportunities to build relationships with their clients. In the marketing sense, developing or deepening relationships is really about branding – connecting with your target audience in a meaningful way that reinforces what your business is all about. In the case of Betsy Linnell Marketing Management client Pemberton Valley Wellness (PVW), Dr. Shannon Paul is doing just that. The Pemberton Valley Wellness brand is build upon a solid framework of trust, caring and patient-centered collaborative care. By inviting patients to celebrate with the PVW team in their office Shannon is demonstrating what the PVW brand is about in a meaningful way, providing useful information in a friendly, comfortable setting, aimed at improving the quality of life of patients. Even better, she is maximizing the opportunity to share with patients some of the other services that the team offers in order to grow the business.
Patient Appreciation Day is being held on Friday November 27th from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The event includes cupcakes, refreshments, prizes and kids games. In addition, Dr. Paul and her team will offering massage and spa demos as well as providing wellness information sessions including: a Backpack Check for kids to ensure that backpacks are being packed and worn properly; Ergonomic Desk Set Up and Acupressure Points for Everyday Life.
Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Paul and the Pemberton Valley Wellness on a successful first year. Happy Anniversary!
What a great concept! To have a professional Care Giver who not just provides the care but nutures the relationship through communications is truly something to be cherished. Congratulations to the doctor, and also to you for having such a sensitive client.