Friday, September 11, 2009

Tourism Pemberton hires Betsy Linnell Marketing Management

We are thrilled to announce that Tourism Pemberton is the newest addition to the Betsy Linnell Marketing Management (BLMM) client roster.

Tourism Pemberton, a subcommittee of the Pemberton Chamber of Commerce has contracted BLMM for Project Management services for the development of a Media Kit to assist in the promotion of tourism in the Pemberton & District Area. With the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games being hosted in Vancouver and Whistler this coming Feb / March, the opportunity exists for Pemberton to leverage the unprecedented amount of visitor and media exposure that will benefit not only Vancouver and Whistler, but the entire Sea to Sky region. The Tourism Pemberton Media Kit is being developed as a tool to maximize this opportunity.

Work on the kit is beginning immediately and will not only promote the area, but also provide a vehicle to showcase the incredible talent of local writers, photographers and filmmakers. The Media Kit will be produced in both print and digital formats and will be supported with images and video footage.

Stay tuned for updates!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Prioritizing by the Revenue Line

As a small business owner, mom, wife, community supporter etc. I often feel like I’m performing a complex juggling act. As a result, I’m always on the lookout for time management solutions to help me keep all the balls in the air. This week in particular, I have a lot going on so when I read about this concept last night as my eyelids were drooping, I paid attention.

In her book “Never Check e-mail in the Morning” author, professional organizer and time management expert Julie Morgenstern provides strategies to help us prioritize based on delivering the greatest results. She calls it “Dancing close to the revenue line”. Essentially, “everything you spend your time on should be assessed in terms of its proximity to the revenue line.” That means, either making money, or saving money. Ideally, the greatest portion of your day should be spent one or two steps from the revenue line. That way, you knock off the most important tasks first, which are the ones that deliver results that are most valued in your business.

Based on this concept, writing this post first thing in the morning is not the most effective use of my time… better read that chapter again!